Pricing is dependent on design detail and the size of the cookie.
Mini cookies range in price from $2.50- $3.50 per cookie. Mini cookies are 2in, at their longest side, and are typically eaten in two bites.
Regular-sized cookies start at $6 per cookie and increase in price based on intricacy and details. An order of 1-2 dozen regular-sized cookies typically includes a mix of 3-4 designs with varying complexity of design within the order, including florals, metallics, writing, etc.
I have a one dozen minimum order for regular-sized cookies and 2 dozen minimum order for minis.
For the most accurate pricing, please contact me with order details.
Examples of Mini cookies $2.50-$3.50 each
Examples of designs $6 each
Examples of Detailed designs $6.50-$7 each
Line lettering and small florals
Examples of Elaborate designs $7-$8 each
Examples of Complex designs $8 or more
Completely hand painted design
Pineapple painted with gold paint, writing on cookie
Gender reveal cookie, gold paint and lettering